
BETA Studio > News > Hydro-sedimentology dynamic in Pilcomayo river basin (PY)
BETA Studio > News > Hydro-sedimentology dynamic in Pilcomayo river basin (PY)

Hydro-sedimentology dynamic in Pilcomayo river basin (PY)

AfDB: Banca Africana di Sviluppo; BID: Banca Interamericana di Sviluppo; BM: Banca Mondiale; UE: Unione Europea

Management of the Pilcomayo river basin water resource

The “Hydro-sedimentology dynamic revision” international meeting was held on January 23rd 2020 between the BETA Studio JV and all the stakeholders in Buenos Aires, including IDB in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. The JV hydro-sedimentology experts presented the analysis and the detailed evaluations carried out so far.

The workshop lays the foundation for the next activities, providing greater insight of the previous and on-going studies: the technical principles and the guidelines for the main issues which characterise the next phases of the Master Plan were discussed and agreed upon.

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