Management plan for protection against floods in Dakar city, Senegal

WSS - Water Supply and Sanitation

BETA Studio > Articles by: admin

About admin

BETA Studio srl admin
21 02.2013

Direct motorway link between Brescia city and Milan city: hydraulic works to serve the motorway

Categories: CIV- Civil Engineering|Tags: , , , |

The BreBeMi motorway project is based on the indications of the Environmental Impact Study conducted under the Preliminary Project framework. The motorway runs through 49 km, between Brescia and [...]

31 12.2012

Support the sustainable management and rational use of water resources in Pescara Province

Categories: IWRM - Integrated Water Resources Management, Tutti i progetti|Tags: , , , |

The basin of the Aterno - Pescara River (3.200 km², Abruzzo Region, Italy), has deeply changed during the last century from the hydraulic point of view (changes of the [...]

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