Civil Engineering shapes the world we live in today, developing our infrastructure to improve our everyday living with kind of things we take for granted but would find life very hard to live without.
As Civil Engineers, we play a vital role in driving the change towards a better quality of life by designing sustainable solutions for water supply; through the continuous upgrade of our roads, rails and waterways networks; pioneering the renewable energy revolution and defending our shores from climate change.
Our specialist knowledge of hydraulic engineering enable us to offer reliable and efficient designs for the hydraulic structures related the civil engineering.

A Public Funds Project: Protection of Vicenza city against floods: detailed design of a flood retention basin in the Timonchio river by the municipality of Caldogno. Vicenza
Our expertise

- Roads and railways drainage
systems - Bridge piers and abutments
scour evaluation - By-pass channels
- Waterways modelling and design
- Navigation lock design
- Infrastructure management,

- Dams for hydropower, irrigation,
water supply and flood control - Dam break, operation and lifespan analysis
- Reservoir sedimentation analysis
- Dam safety assessment and
safety programmes - Cost planning, estimating and
budgeting, O&M

- Numerical modelling of offshore wave climates
- Coastal erosion and submersion risks assessment
- Shore erosion modelling
and analysis - Shore protection design
- Rock revetment, beach and dune
nourishment, breakwater design

- Remote sensing
for landscape
management - Mapping & Information Systems
- Landscaping
- Regional planning
& urban
Have a look at our latter projects
Direct motorway link between Brescia city and Milan city: hydraulic works to serve the motorway
The BreBeMi motorway project is based on the indications of the Environmental Impact Study conducted under the Preliminary Project framework. The motorway runs through 49 km, between Brescia and the junction with TEM-A58 (Milan outer ring road); the stretch being planned is about 62 km long. BETA Studio was entrusted with the design of the hydraulic structures connected with [...]