- Addis Ababa “Beautifying Sheger” river (ET)
- Amaya dam project
(Kenya) - Angololo water resources development (UG-KE)
- Angololo water resources development project (KE-UG)
- BETA Studio staff celebrates summer
- Decreasing the hydraulics risk in Cagliari (Italy)
- Design of hydraulic works in BIM environment
- Direct motorway link between Brescia city and Milan city: hydraulic works to serve the motorway
- Drainage Master Plan development for Addis Ababa City
- Drainage Master Plan for the city of El Alto
- Drainage Plan of the Lujan river basin, Argentina
- Drina basin water resources management
- Feasibility study and detailed design for irrigation and drainage
- Final Stakeholders’ workshop for IUWM Master Plan
- Flood protection workshop in Moldova
- Flood risk management for Skopje (MK)
- Floods defense works in center Italy: start in action
- FOSS4G-IT: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial
- Geological support for the modernization of railway infrastructures (IT)
- Geological support for the modernization of railway infrastructures (IT)
- GIS and small hydropower plants
- Hydraulic and river/coastal morphodynamic studies in Pescara, Italy
- Hydraulic models benchmarking
- Hydraulics works in the Sarno river (IT)
- Hydro-sedimentology dynamic in Pilcomayo river basin (PY)
- Hydrological modelling and bathymetric measurements of the Bovilla and Ulza reservoirs
- Implementing Shire River’s Decision Support System (MW)
- Integrated clean-up plan of the Ypacarai lake basin
- Irrigation channel serving hill areas in Vicenza province
- Irrigation works in Vicenza: increasing the efficiency of the irrigation system (IT)
- Lake Ypacaraí basin: technical meetings in Asunción (PY)
- LiDAR and morphology
- Lilongwe water and sanitation project (MW)
- Management and technical assistance support to Moldova flood protection
- Management plan for protection against floods in Dakar city, Senegal
- Marondera integrated urban water management Master Plan project
- Master Plan of the Pilcomayo river basin
- Multipurpose Water Harvesting Structures (MW)
- Pescara city flood protection and storm water drainage project (Abruzzo, Italy)
- Pilcomayo River Basin Master Plan
- Plan Maestro de la Cuenca del Río Pilcomayo (PY)
- Primer ciclo de talleres en Paraguay: Plan Maestro Río Pilcomayo
- Protection of Vicenza city against floods: design and construction of a flood retention basin
- Ravedis dam management plan
- Reducing the hydraulic risk in Abruzzo Region, Italy
- Secchia River: works to fix the dykes
- Start of the works for the Trissino detention basin (IT)
- Strengthening of water infrastructure and transport
- Support the sustainable management and rational use of water resources in Pescara Province
- Sustainable water supply and sanitation program (KE)
- Trissino flood retention basin: works update (IT)
- Use of water resources in the Republic of San Marino: drinking water reservoir
- Verification of the functionality of the Ravedis reservoir
- Vicenza flood retention basin at work (IT)
- Water intake from Campotosto lake, supply and irrigation schemes: Feasibility Study and E.I.A.
- Water resource use and availability in the Fucino plateau (Abruzzo,Italy)
- Water resources management
- Water resources management of Bovilla and Ulza reservoirs (AL)
- Water resources management plan for the Pilcomayo river watershed
- Water resources management plan for the Pilcomayo river watershed (PY)
- Water supply system supplying the irrigation network
- Waterway Padova-Venice
- CIV - Civil Engineering
- Company profile
- Contacts
- Contatti 2
- Documents
- DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
- e-recruitment
- IRR - Irrigation and land reclamation
- Irrigation and drainage schemes for land reclamation
- IWRM - Integrated Water Resources Management
- mappa
- Our people
- Our projects selection
- Project tour
- Sitemap
- WSS - Water Supply and Sanitation