Hydraulics works in the Sarno river (IT)
BETA Studio started with the works for the Final and Executive Design of two important hydraulic risk mitigation interventions in the Sarno river basin. With these contractual activations, the Client [...]
BETA Studio started with the works for the Final and Executive Design of two important hydraulic risk mitigation interventions in the Sarno river basin. With these contractual activations, the Client [...]
Construction management of the flood retention basin in Trissino (Vicenza, Italy) on the Agno-Guà river commissioned by Regione Veneto to BETA Studio s.r.l. (Leader) in JV with TECHNITAL S.p.A., INGEGNERIA [...]
The floods retention basin of Carsoli (L'Aquila province, Italy) is operational: last heavy rain on December 21th caused first important 'start in action' of the recently built civil work. [...]